Partnering with Teqcle will allow your business to break free from technology as a hurdle and shift focus back to its core.
We believe that technology should be employed as a driver for business growth.
At the core of a sustainable business lies a stable technology foundation.
Trust Teqcle to keep you running.

IT Support

IT support is traditionally seen as desktop and server support, but we see it as actually supporting the entire IT stack. Network, Server, Desktop – Windows, Linux, MacOS. Development and support for any application, open source or proprietary, that supports your business. Based in Centurion but operating nationwide, we provide IT support!



DSpace is an open source repository software package typically used for creating open access repositories for scholarly and/or published digital content.


The Sakai Collaborative and Learning Environment, or CLE for short, is an open source, J2EE based web application, supported and developed by leading universities accross the globe.


Along with Linux, we love the open source concept. As such, we support two open source initiatives, namely DSpace (a repository) and Sakai (a learner management system).


Desktop support is just a name and does not come close to describe what we actually do within this realm. Windows, Linux and OSX, both servers and desktop.


Are you ready for POPI? Is your infrastructure secure? We can perform security audits, both internal and external to evaluate the security of your infrastructure.


We supply, install and monitor a backup solution that will ensure the prompt and accurate restoration of data lost due to unforeseen circumstances.


This is a new type of hosting platform that allows customers powerful, scalable and reliable hosting based on clustered load-balanced servers and utility billing.


We have partnered with leading hardware providers to assist our customers in the procurement and maintenance of their on-site equipment.


Our team of management consultants will advise you on how best to utilise technology to improve all aspects of your business.


The best tool for the job does not always exist. We employ some of the best developers in the world to help you build your own systems or adapt others to your needs.


Whatever the flavour, it tastes good to us. Our real bread and butter expertise. Whatever can be done is Linux, we can do it.


We offer affordable hosting packages, including domain registration/transfers, email and website hosting. Specific hosting packages have been designed to accommodate individual needs.


An organisational body is only as strong as its weakest limb. With the rapid change in the wide field of information technology, it can very easily become a tremendous challenge for any business to function efficiently without the assistance of an expert in the field. Our partners depend on Teqcle not only to maintain their IT infrastructure, but to also keep abreast of new developments that will allow for more cost-effective deployment of IT resources in their company.